December 20th, 2024

Round Rock Independent School District

Did you read SubContactors USA’s October 2024 Issue that discussed independent school district bond programs across Tesas? If not, you missed a valuable article highlighting possible growth opportunities for your company. One such bond program highlighted was Round Rock’s Independent School District which passed on November 5, 2024 by the voters in the amount of $933 million. This Bond represents an extraordinary opportunity to modernize educational and …


November 27th, 2024

Helen Callier on job site

Many who have watched my videos this year know that I have emphasized that wherever transportation goes root tops follow. Rooftops like new housing, restaurants, nerd gaming, coffee shops, healthcare clinics and more either come into an area to take advantage of newly installed utilities, access to highways or roads. The other impact of transportation coming through an area is like being on the dirty side of a hurricane along the Gulf Coast where businesses,…


November 20th, 2024

Helen Callier Houstonfirst Construction Manager

There’s a boom of convention center projects in the US with many cities hoping to stay in the economic flow versus being left behind. From Dallas’ $3.7 billion to Orlando’s $560 million to Houston’s $2.5 billion and Austin’s $1.6 billion, cities have invested heavily into expanding their convention centers to draw the biggest conferences and conventions to drive economic growth for years to come. Here’s what I know from working on the last Houston…


October 30th, 2024

Houston Permitting Center

Businesses are being sold all over the country to folks wanting to have more freedom in their careers and seeking a road to wealth. From barbershops to laundry mats to neighborhood bars, car washes, coffee shops, boutique shops, and more, opportunities to buy businesses are increasing which is great for the local economy. In fact, in the United States, 60% of millionaires are business owners which presents an opportunity with a proven path for many to pursue especially when millions of…


October 15th, 2024

PermitUsNow Team

Traditional permit expediters have a focus on pulling permits which is nice. At PermitUsNow, the most important focus we have is delivering our clients’ ultimate result. Our long-time experience in permitting benefits our clients and their customers. Since 2016, we have had the privilege of working with many types of contractors, architects and project owners from almost every industry like aviation, transit, healthcare, education, grocery and hospitality and events. We have used…